The Biennale Archiv Austria is made possible through the generous support of:

The publication “Austria and the Venice Biennale 1895–2013” was made possible through the generous support of:

Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture

Christopher Brody
Eva & Christoph Dichand
Stefan and Nicole Ehrlich-Adám
EMDASH Foundation
Franziska & Christian Hausmaninger
John & Samantha Hunt
Leona & Peter König
Familie Pfleiderer

Veronika Piëch
Ernst Ploil
Gheri Sackler
Sammlung Sanziany im Palais Rasumofsky
Helena Coco, Peter, Kuma
Natalia & Sergey Skaterschikov
Stefan Stolitzka
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21)

and other anonymous donors.

City of Vienna, Cultural Department – Science and Research Promotion
Lower Austria, Department of Art & Culture

Tyrol, Department of Art & Culture

We would like to thank Holzhausen Druck for their generous collaboration.